
Prayer to Taweret

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This is a simple ritual and prayer to Taweret. I have been working with her for a couple of years. This prayer asks for her divine protection and guidance for those that would seek her. Know that Taweret is very reluctant to work with new devotees and must be worshipped and praised first before other deities.

There is also a commitment within the prayer to always adorn your sacred spaces with her form. I recommend reading over this at least once and preparing before you decide to embark on a relationship with the Goddess Taweret. This ritual is best done on the evening of a full moon, as it represents the full and divine form of Taweret, mother and protector.



Light a candle before you. Offer the light in the name of goddess Taweret. 
Place a cup of water before you.
"O' Goddess Taweret accept this water of life as a simple offering I place before thee."


Bow to Taweret three times. Arms extended out and head touching ground. You should be kneeling upon ground when you do this.

going for refuge ( recite three times)

I go for refuge to you Taweret, with womb beyond form, seed of all life, and source from which all life and arises.

Creating good will (recite three times)

I do this for the benefit of all sentient beings, out of compassion for all, I aspire to attain enlightenment to liberate others from suffering.


Prayer of Exhiltation

OH! Divine Mother Taweret, ancient hippopotamus headed goddess of protection,
With compassion for all beings, you guide souls into the afterlife.
With strength of spirit, you ward off evil forces.
With wisdom and care, you watch over mothers and children.

Taweret, embodiment of feminine power,
I call upon you now to be a defender of your children.
O’ Protectress, stand guard over us.
Shield us from harm and remove obstacles.

With your fearsome, jaws crush ignorance and illusion.
With your razor claws, cut through maras and demons.
With your divine roar, awaken all from delusion’s slumber.
With your divine Sa shield us from those that would lead us astray.

Taweret, become a refuge for the gentle and compassionate.
Thwart those with ill intent who try to harm your children.
Help reveal the luminous love and compassion to sincere seekers.

May your compassion and strength liberate all you protect.
May your incisive insight pierce veils of confusion.
May your strength turn back those who spurn wisdom, compassion and harmony.

O’ Taweret, mother and guardian of children and the compassionate,
You have our eternal gratitude and devotion.
Your noble form will adorn our sacred spaces.
Your name shall be honored by your disciples.

With trust in your celestial womb to protect,
We dedicate ourselves to walking the path of love and compassion.
Taweret, be the guardian of those seeking to better the world.
Taweret, protect all who uphold empathy and compassion.


“I dedicate this practice to the enlightenment and liberation of all beings. May all be protected and guided by Taweret’s compassion.”

Bow to Taweret again.

Blow out the candle.

Drink the glass of water.

You may not notice her immediate presence but if said with sincerity and humility she will be listening.

Offer simply out of devotion and let subtler magic unfold naturally!